Covid-19 In A Small Town: 8 months in

I guess my town never had Coronavirus. I mean, its streets never emptied, despite the hospital being full. I struggle to figure the math with that, but whatever.

Or maybe Covid only impacted those who believed in it and, of course, the businesses who adapted because of it.

On the other hand, maybe Covid-19 doesn’t care one way or the other. It just hits – striking recklessly.

And so here’s reason 837 that I’m thankful for my van. I kinda happen to think that Coronavirus doesn’t give a crap about what we believe or don’t believe in. So I let the van carry me to the woods – safe from the virus that I can get (or unknowingly give). The woods shield from debates over science and unmasked coughs.

The trees provide a place to clear my head and settle my thoughts. I am grateful that I still breathe deeply enough to take them in.

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